natural results hair transplant
By - Kaloni

Do hair transplants look natural?

When they hear the word “transplant,” most people picture something odd-looking, like a toupée or an artificial hair piece, and the reason is that a hair transplant is surgical micro-intervention that requires careful planning and design in order to achieve the best and  most natural-looking results.

How hair transplants are designed so that they look natural

There are three steps to follow in a hair transplant session:

  1. Design
  2. Extracting follicles from the donor site
  3. Hair transplant

Let’s focus on the design now, since, after all, this is what produces the natural-looking results that you want.

Before starting the procedure, we take pictures of the patient’s head from all possible angles in order to obtain a precise geography of the area. Afterwards, we draw the outline of the treatment area using a grease pencil.

In order to create this design, we take into account the patient’s facial features, namely the distance between mouth and nose, nose and eyebrows, and eyebrows and hairline.

We also take into account the density of follicles that may be transplanted by square centimeter. It is also important to look at the proportions carefully, since human beings are not symmetrical, and everyone is different. Performing a transplant without creating a design beforehand would result in fake-looking results, similar to a doll’s.

Can you tell when the transplanted hair was extracted from another part of the body?

Usually, the follicles chosen for extraction are taken from the occipital area, since they are practically immune to hair loss. However, in particular cases where the patient does not have enough follicles there to perform the transplant, the specialist may recur to other parts of the body, if and only if the hair in that area meets the requirements for extraction and implantation. 

In general, body hair is only used to fill up a small area or to define the hairline, where the hair is usually finer and shorter.

In order to do so, the following factors are taken into account: 

  1. The quality and growth cycle of body hair are not the same as those of the hair on your head.
  2. The final result may not be definitive and it may not look as natural as you would expect.

It is of utmost importance that we consider the esthetic aspect when performing a hair transplant. At Kaloni, we strive for the most natural-looking results possible. In this way, we men’s appearance and quality of life, since looking good makes you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally better.

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