By - Kaloni

9 months post-hair transplant: Intensive treatment results

Nine months is usually what it takes for a human baby to form inside their mother’s womb, and it is also the time that it takes for a hair transplant to yield 70% of results in the frontal area, and 50% on the crown. Both of these events are reasons to celebrate that only men with determination get to enjoy. 

Stronger hair 

This is the time to look back and really analyze the changes that you have gone through. You will be happy to discover that all the concerns that you had during the first few weeks after your procedure are gone. All the discomfort has disappeared, and there are no visible signs of the micro-incisions made during the procedure. The only thing left to do now is to enjoy the feeling of having hair again where there used to be none.

You will surely remember that in previous follow-up appointments, your Kaloni consultant may have recommended using an intensive fortifying treatment on your new hair (medical mesotherapy or PRP). At this stage, you are probably receiving this additional support, or it is a good time to start doing so. 

What to expect from your 9-month follow-up appointment

Now is the time to evaluate your results and confirm what you have been seeing day by day: constant growth and increasing density in the donor site. During your consultation, the doctor will perform a physical exploration to look closely at the transplant’s results and will address any potential obstacles that may have emerged over the last few months.

Nevertheless, as we mentioned before, it is important to follow a strict aftercare routine following your transplant, caring for your native (not transplanted) hair, and also preventing any possible telogen effluvium caused by the acceleration of your hair’s natural growth cycle. For most people, this entails identifying the types of products that suit your skin and hair’s characteristics the best, whether they tend to be oily or dry. At the same time, it is important to know how frequently you should use these products and how to apply them in order to maintain optimal skin and scalp health.

For constant hair growth 

Another common recommendation from the specialists is the use of nutritional supplements, like biotin and arginine, in some cases, which, as we have explained in this other article, foster hair growth.

It is also possible to enhance your results by following a stimulation routine including treatments with Minoxidil (vasodilator), dutasteride, or finasteride (DHT blocker), and vitamin supplements.

Before recurring to any kind of topical or oral treatment to prevent hair loss and foster the growth of both your native and your transplanted hair, you should talk to your doctor, so they can advise you on the application, frequency and duration of this treatment, and also monitor your results as well as any potential side-effects.

Your satisfaction is our number one priority

You are so close to enjoying the final, best-looking results of your hair transplant, but we want you to have the best density possible for a long time. With that in mind, we recommend that, after your 14 months of Kaloni post-procedure care, you come once a year for a check-up, so we can assess whether there is any need for some kind of capillary nutrition treatment or another procedure. Remember that your native hair will continue to fall out, while your transplanted hair will continue to grow.

Remember that, at Kaloni, our number one priority is that you look and feel better. We will always provide the care that you need in upcoming years, so you can enjoy the appearance that you want for as long as you want.

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