Answering your questions about Online Evaluation
In this new blog entry, we will answer your questions about Online Evaluation, so you can receive specialized, expert medical attention from the comfort of your own home before your hair transplant procedure.
What does the Online Evaluation consist of?
It is a practical way to receive a diagnosis of your degree of alopecia, to see if you could be a candidate for a hair transplant, to answer any questions you may have, to get the estimated cost, and also to receive any necessary indications before your procedure, all from the comfort of your own home.
What are the pictures for in the Online Evaluation?
These are very specific photos of your hair, beard, mustache, or eyebrow area, and they will help medical experts give you a pre-diagnosis. No one can use them for any purpose other than your evaluation. They are confidential, and only your doctor will have access to them.
Can I complete my Online Evaluation from my phone?
Yes, you can do it from your phone, laptop, or tablet, but you must be connected to a wifi network and access the platform using Google Chrome.
What if I can’t see or hear the doctor?
Make sure that you provided access to your device; it is necessary to provide access to your camera and microphone.
What can I do if the page doesn’t load?
You must open the link on Google Chrome. If the problem persists, please call our call center.
The video is freezing. What could be the problem?
Make sure that you are connected to a wifi network; you need to load more data for this kind of online meeting.
Who will evaluate my case on the other side of the screen?
A medical expert will be there to perform the online evaluation, answer any questions you may have, and explain the procedure in detail.
Can I get a cost estimate with this appointment?
Yes, after the evaluation is done, the medical expert will be able to give you a cost estimate of your hair transplant.
Is there a margin of error between an online evaluation and an in-person evaluation?
It’s minimal, it tends to occur in very advanced cases of alopecia, and to prevent it, the medical expert will ask you to come to the clinic for a more precise evaluation.
How long does the online evaluation take?
On average, it takes as long as an in-person evaluation, from 20 to 30 minutes.
If you have any other questions or would like more information about our online evaluations, please leave a comment or give us a call.
2 thoughts on “Answering your questions about Online Evaluation”
Ruben Richard Aguilar Moscoso 9 mayo, 2020 at 2:13 pm
Quisiera saber si soy candidato factible para el implante capilar?.
ReplyVivo en Bolivia.
Quisiera enviar mis datos para ser valorado.
Kaloni 12 mayo, 2020 at 8:52 am
Hola, Ruben!
ReplyCon todo gusto. En breve uno de nuestros ejecutivos se pondrá en contacto contigo para programar una valoración en línea.