By - Kaloni

Should you wash your hair with warm or cold water?

There are many myths surrounding hair care and hygiene. Much has been said about the benefits of washing your hair with cold water, but is it really as good as everyone says? In today’s post, we will be debunking some of these myths in order to know exactly what happens to your hair when you change the water temperature as you’re washing it, choosing warm or cold. 

What happens to your hair when you wash it with cold water?

The first thing that we should get out of the way is that washing your hair with either warm or cold water affects only the scalp, not your hair. This is due to the fact that cold water seals your hair’s cuticle, which helps protect your hair from cold temperatures. 

This sealing is beneficial after a molecular transformation through the use of hair dyes or relaxers. In these cases, the cold water helps seal the cuticle, allowing the molecular modification to occur properly.

Another benefit of washing your hair with cold water is because it stimulates circulation in your head. What happens is that, when your body temperature drops, it produces a rebound effect, sending a message to the body to focus on stimulating blood flow in the head in order to balance the overall temperature.

Increasing blood flow leads to great benefits in your hair’s health: the more blood flows through your scalp, the more oxygen, nutrients, and water reach your hair follicles. Naturally, the better nourished your hair is, the more it will grow, and the healthier it will be. This explains why so many people recommend washing your hair with cold water, but, as we will see next, it is not always this way.

Cons of washing your hair with cold water

Every person has a different degree of tolerance to low temperatures, so showering in cold water can be cause for stress, and stress can have a negative impact on your hair’s health. When this happens, the body tends to assign resources to balance out the general temperature, but hair is not a priority. As a result, instead of heading toward the follicles, nutrients end up going to the central nervous system in an attempt to compensate for the reaction to the cold water.

Therefore, it is recommended that the water temperature is never extreme, keeping it closer to lukewarm or room temperature instead, only a little cooler rather than warmer. This way, you will increase blood flow in your scalp without bringing on stress to your body, so your health is not compromised.

Is warm water harmful to your hair’s health?

Washing your hair with warm water is not harmful to your hair as long as the temperature does not exceed the limits of common sense. However, if you choose to use warm water, you will miss out on the benefits of using cold water. More specifically, if your hair is naturally curly or coarse, washing it with warm water may not always be the best option.

Come to your nearest Kaloni clinic for a free consultation in order to determine your hair’s current state and find the most efficient solution to suit your needs. In the meantime, our Kaloni blog will continue sharing relevant information about all your hair care needs.

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