Self-care tips that men should keep in mind
By - Kaloni

Self-care tips that men should keep in mind

We understand that self-care is taking care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. But it goes beyond a simple term; it is a task of observation, acceptance, and action on behalf of ourselves.

Self-care is not new, but in recent years its importance has become visible.

It is not only the decision to go to the doctor if something hurts (and not bear the pain), it is making decisions that may involve discomfort by others who expect some behavior from us, among other examples.

Self-care practices are not selfish, keep trying and try to explain to them the importance of them, but don’t wear yourself out if they don’t want to listen. Some forms of self-care:

Have hobbies

We take our work very seriously, but is it the same with our free time? Having a moment of disconnection is necessary, and a great way to do it is doing something that you are passionate about, and that takes your mind off your worries. Try to do some of them alone, as this encourages reflection and personal listening.

Name how you feel

Many times we don’t know what we’re feeling: anger, sadness, emotion, frustration, and that’s okay. What matters is to name what’s going on inside. One way to start is to list the “symptoms”: I feel sleepy, I feel a pain in my stomach, I feel like disappearing, I feel like running, I feel unenthusiastic. Naming things makes them exist, and from existence, one can reflect, question, and accept.

Share your feelings

Many people say that as men, we should be able to do anything, but this is not true; if we need help or support, let’s ask for it. Talking about our feelings with friends, partners, or professionally with a therapist will help us improve our quality of life and mental health.

Treat yourself

Learn self-massage techniques, eat well, get enough sleep, do some physical activity, show your body that you love it. It doesn’t mean that you are enslaved in prohibitive regimes, but that you find your rhythm, your tastes, your hobbies, and the ideal time to give yourself love.

Be honest with yourself

Although it is not simple, prioritizing your desires and needs is essential. From a relationship in which you don’t feel reciprocity, a job that doesn’t fill you, or activities that you don’t enjoy, this can take energy away from you and lead to anger, blame, and discomfort, which will eventually translate into unhappiness. We can lie to others, but never to ourselves.

Establish meaningful (non-partner) relationships

Maintaining emotional ties of friendship and family is very important; respect, empathy, support, accompaniment, and solidarity can be some principles that are shared and established as the axis of the relationship that develops. It is not necessary to agree on everything with the people we love, but it is important to create dialogues and agreements that make us grow and feel that, whatever happens, we will not be alone.

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