What are new masculinities
By - Kaloni

New Masculinities: what they are and what they are not

What they are

A healthy masculinity strives toward horizontality: men don’t have any power over other groups in society.

Non-hegemonic masculinities seek to erase gender violence in all of its forms: language, physical, by omission, and complicity.

Gender roles are revoked, so that there is no clash with elements traditionally considered to be feminine, such as expressing emotions, and vulnerability.

New masculinities see public space as not exclusive to men, respecting areas that have been established for women as a result of high violence rates. They share public spaces with other social groups in a deliberate and respectful manner.

Healthy masculinities accept that hegemonic masculinities have played a dominant role in history, and question it on an individual level, but also with other men, creating a wide network of men deconstructing sexism.

What are new masculinities

What they are not

Non-hegemonic masculinities are not part of a feminist or LGBT+ “agenda” to take over public or private spaces.

Healthy masculinities are not part of a conspiracy to get rid of all men.

Questioning and challenging sexism is not a tool to take away men’s rights.

Taking part in constructing healthy masculinities doesn’t mean becoming submissive or less manly.

They don’t want to establish education models that threaten family values. Instead, they seek to bring visibility to violent and negative actions and attitudes that don’t allow for the development of a fairer and more egalitarian society.

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