By - Kaloni

Kaloni appreciates your support and confidence

2020 came as a new opportunity to achieve our goals and strive for our dreams.

We were eager to see how our friends and family reached their goals to share and celebrate; we know that not everything is great all the time, but we also know that with effort can be overcome difficulties.

Everything seemed to indicate that the coming months would go well, but we had no idea what to expect.

The arrival of the Covid-19 was a hard stroke for our planet. Unfortunately, we were not ready for an unknown virus. We did not know what to do. We stopped in shock of knowing the numbers for infections and human losses. Everything seemed to be dark.

But we found strength in the deepest part of each of us; even though we remained separated by distance, we found a way to let others know that they were close to us. We saw a rebirth of empathy, kindness, and concern for caring for all.

We saw young people who did the shopping for their most vulnerable neighbors, groups who donated protective gear for medical heroes, and people who gave computers or cell phones so that children could have access to online classes. There were many examples like these that showed us that humanity is more united than ever and that together we will move forward.

Thanks to you, companies like Kaloni were able to overcome difficulties.

On behalf of all the collaborators of Kaloni around the world, we want to thank you for your trust.
We learned new ways to reinforce our cleaning and sanitary control processes to take care of all of us, and we continue performing procedures with the first level standards that characterize us.

2021 is coming, and we know that it is necessary to continue with responsibility and caution the months before having a vaccine ready and available for everyone. However, we are sure that we will continue taking care of ourselves to be able to hug each other soon.

Perhaps the way the world moves forward has changed, the way we see others and our vulnerability, but the real change has been in our awareness and the way we look at the world we have, as well as the people around us and the people we love most. That learning will keep us tenacious to continue sharing.

We will be here, by your side, for everything that comes.

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