By - Kaloni

How is the cost of a hair transplant determined?

When we decide to get some kind of beauty treatment done, it is exciting to think about how we will look, what the results will be, and what benefits it will bring, like feeling more comfortable in our own skin, for instance. We also look for options: who is the best in the field, where are the certified experts, where

By - Kaloni

Jobs that some people believe are only for women

As societies evolved and different forms of government took shape, tasks were assigned to each sector of the population, and gender roles began to define the working lives of men and women.  Across millennia, work duties related to care, assistance, household chores, and child rearing, were thought to be meant for women, who were also expected to demonstrate obedience and

glam rock
By - Kaloni

Glam rock: a change in masculinity or sexism in disguise?

From the thick howling of Howlin’ Wolf, the sexually referenced lyrics of Little Richard, and the hip movements of Elvis Presley, the beginnings of rock were strongly related to masculinity and sexuality. It was natural that jeans and leather jackets became a gender symbol: the former, a popular garment among the working class of the time (mostly men); and the

By - Kaloni

Hair Loss due to Anemia: How Does Iron Deficiency Affect Your Follicles?

Anemia is one of the conditions that affects hair, skin, and nail health the most. In today’s post, we will talk about hair loss caused by anemia, shedding light on its symptoms and providing suggestions to prevent it.  First of all, it is important to note that anemia is caused by a decrease in red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin