The evolution of masculinity through art
By - Kaloni

The evolution of masculinity through art

Joseph Campbell in The Hero of a Thousand Faces made a comparative study of the myths of various cultures of the world to find the common path that the heroes have in each culture, a journey that has similarities from the epic of Rama in India to the superheroes of the comics that now dominate the cinema. The American researcher writes: “All

What is emotional responsibility?
By - Kaloni

What is emotional responsibility?

We relate to the world through emotions that we are rarely taught to understand, much less when society expects us as men to be alienated from our sentimental side. Milan Kundera described this relationship with life as a frameless draft, an individual attempts to experience reality, where at the same time one seeks to understand it. In these attempts to

What is sexism
By - Kaloni

What is sexism and how to Re-direct my behavior in front of them

In different ways, we were led to believe at birth that we were better at certain activities, especially those involving skill, strength, physical effort, or competition with others. We grew up with the understanding that to be a “man”, we had to show it by having dirt on our face and hands, away from other options that did not involve

Masculinities in the context of covid
By - Kaloni

Masculinities in the context of covid

The enclosure that we have experienced in recent months is not only a response to the health contingency that has occurred around the world, from another perspective it has been the way in which many other issues have become evident that as a society we have not given it the importance it deserves. Among them, there is one that jumps

What are new masculinities
By - Kaloni

New Masculinities: what they are and what they are not

What they are A healthy masculinity strives toward horizontality: men don’t have any power over other groups in society. Non-hegemonic masculinities seek to erase gender violence in all of its forms: language, physical, by omission, and complicity. Gender roles are revoked, so that there is no clash with elements traditionally considered to be feminine, such as expressing emotions, and vulnerability.