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You can be a Kaloni success story as well. Get to know our patients' experiences, the results they've had with their hair transplants.


Our patients tell us about their personal experiences at every stage of their procedure and about how their lives changed conquering hair loss in Kaloni.


Our patients tell us about their personal experiences at every stage of their procedure and about how their lives changed conquering hair loss in Kaloni.


For us our patients' satisfaction comes first. They began to see their results four or six months after having their hair transplant. The following images show their success.



"Dario, 54, came to the clinic with a moderate degree of alopecia, phase 3 on the Norwood Scale. The hair transplant enabled him to cover his forehead’s entrance ways and the sides of his head."

Foto Darío, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después
Foto Darío, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después



"Our patient, 32, was diagnosed with alopecia phase 6 on the Norwood Scale. The hair transplant thickened his forehead and crown areas."

Foto Andrés, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después
Foto Andrés, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después



"Our patient, 32, was diagnosed with alopecia phase 6 on the Norwood Scale. The hair transplant thickened his forehead and crown areas."



"Oscar came to the Kaloni clinic seeking treatment to thicken his beard and mustache."

Foto Óscar, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después
Foto Óscar, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después


Infectious Diseases Medical Doctor

"Sergio, 32, was diagnosed with Frontal alopecia phase 4. Despite his chemotherapy sessions, the hair transplant let him thicken the hair loss areas."

Foto Sergio, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después
Foto Sergio, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después


Infectious Diseases Medical Doctor

"Sergio, 32, was diagnosed with Frontal alopecia phase 4. Despite his chemotherapy sessions, the hair transplant let him thicken the hair loss areas."



"Augusto was diagnosed with moderate Androgenetic alopecia, phase 4 on the Norwood Scale. At 47 he recovered marked crown area thickness."

Foto Augusto, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después
Foto Augusto, paciente Kaloni microinjerto Antes / Después

Why Kaloni?

We are leaders in hair transplants

Did you know hair is a non-renewable resource?

Therefore you should be careful when choosing where to have your hair transplant. It's important to go to a specialized certified center to avoid your hair’s suffering irreversible damage.

Decide to recover your hair.

Equipo médico certificado

Medical team internationally certified in hair micrografting

Procedimientos Kaloni

More than 20,000

A complete personalized diagnosis

A complete personalized diagnosis

International medical standards

International medical standards

Mayor cantidad de folículos

The greatest number of hairs implanted per cm²

Preparación especializada

Specialized follicle preparation during the micrograft procedure

Procedimientos Kaloni

More than 20,000

Equipo médico certificado

Medical team internationally certified in hair micrografting

Preparación especializada

Specialized follicle preparation during the micrograft procedure

A complete personalized diagnosis

A complete personalized diagnosis

International medical standards

International medical standards

Mayor cantidad de folículos

The greatest number of hairs implanted per cm²

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