Hair Transplants

The solution to your hair loss problems

Our technique will give you the most natural-looking results.

All the benefits, minimal pain

With Kaloni, pain during the procedure is minimal due to the use of specialized micro-instruments for the extraction of follicles. Scars are barely visible because we don’t do any type of stitching.

Endorsed by satisfied patients

Thousands of patients around the world have obtained the results that they wanted thanks to Kaloni. Not only did they get their hair back, but they also improved their quality of life.

FUE Technique at Kaloni

  • This technique allows us to shave only the donor zone.
  • We apply a solution that nourishes your hair follicles.
  • Extended follow-up and personalized treatment.

Beard and Mustache Transplant

Define your style

A full beard? Thick mustache? Many men with little facial hair want to know how to grow a beard or mustache.

How does a beard transplant work?

  • Design
    We create a flattering, personalized design based on your facial features and your desired results.
  • Extraction
    Our innovative technique allows us to extract the hair from the occipital zone (nape), chest and back to obtain the desired beard or mustache.
  • Transplant
    One by one, we insert each extracted follicle, according to the patient’s original hair growth pattern, to increase density, cover up scars, fill in patches, and improve the overall look of your beard and mustache.
  • Results
    By taking into account the transplant angle, direction and depth, we achieve the best and most natural-looking results.

Eyebrow Transplant

The full, thick eyebrows you have always wanted.

Do you want to recover your eyebrow density, fill gaps, or create a specialized design that flatters you? You can have the eyebrows you’ve always wanted. Our experts can make it happen.

How does an eyebrow transplant work?

  • Design
    Our experts analyze your facial features and create the most flattering design especially for you.
  • Extraction
    The ideal donor area for eyebrows is the nape, since it contains hair loss-resistant genetic information.
  • Transplant
    One by one, we insert the extracted follicles, according to your original growth pattern and expectations, to increase your eyebrow density, cover up scars, fill in patches, and enhance your overall look.
  • Results
    In comparison to other methods, such as eyebrow tattooing, our results are esthetic and natural-looking.

Intensive Treatments

To nourish and stimulate your hair’s growth.

Vitamin scalp injections

  • Capillary infiltration serum treatments.
  • Supplies vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids.
  • Reactivates weakened hair follicles.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

  • Biostimulation through growth factors extracted from the patient’s platelets.
  • Promotes the formation of new blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles.